
Waterloo Rheumatology




Rheuminfo is an accurate, independent, and reliable resource to learn about rheumatological disorders, the medications used to treat them, living with arthritis, and much more.

Arthritis Society

The Arthritis Society is a national health organization that offers free  learning, workshops (online and in-person), rehabilitation, and tips on navigating through arthritis. You can even refer yourself.

Rheum.TV is an informational platform created to educate patients living with a rheumatic disease by John Hopkins Medicine.

Canadian Spondylitis Association

The Canadian Spondylitis Association is a national, non-profit, patient association to support and advocate for those living with spondyloarthritis diseases including Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic arthritis.

American College of Rheumatology

The American College of Rheumatology provides resources to learn about diseases, treatment, and your health care team.

Scleroderma Canada

Scleroderma Canada is a national non-profit organizing advocating for those affected by scleroderma. They provide patient education, research, and peer support.

The Myositis Association

The Myositis Association’s mission is to improve the lives of people affected by myositis, fund research, and increase myositis awareness and advocacy. They provide information, support, advocacy, and research for the myositis community.

Vasculitis Foundation of Canada

The Vasculitis Foundation of Canada provides excellent resources for patients to learn about vasculitis.